Küstenforschung und -management: Projekte und Fallstudien

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Liste der Projekte (455)

Nr. Acronym  Titel  Dauer Aufsteigend sortiert Letztes Update Aufsteigend sortiert
321 SPICOSA Thau Lagoon (Etang de Thau), Southern French Mediterranean 2007-2011 24.08.2009
322 SPICOSA The Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Mediterranean Sea; Southern Italy) 2007-2011 24.08.2009
323 SPICOSA The Clyde Sea, Scotland 2007-2011 24.08.2009
324 SPICOSA Izmit Bay ( Marmara Sea) 2007-2011 24.08.2009
325 SPICOSA Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt Delta and Adjacent Belgian-Dutch coast 2007-2011 03.09.2009
326 HIROMB High Resolution Operational Model for the Baltic Sea 10.09.2009
327 MyOcean MyOcean 2009-2012 16.09.2009
328 SPICOSA Danube Delta 2007-2011 21.09.2009
329 SPICOSA Norway south_East- Søndeled fjord-system 2007-2011 22.09.2009
330 SPICOSA Gulf of Riga 2007-2011 22.09.2009
331 SPICOSA Himmerfjärden, Sweden 2007-2011 22.09.2009
332 SPICOSA Pertuis Charentais Site, Atlantic, France 2007-2011 22.09.2009
333 SPICOSA Limfjord, Denmark 2007-2011 22.09.2009
334 SPICOSA Cork harbour, Ireland 2007-2011 22.09.2009
335 Baltic Green Belt Baltic Green Belt 2009-2012 01.10.2009
336 GENESIS GENeric European Sustainable Information Space for environment 2008-2011 04.11.2009
337 OURCOAST ICZM in Europe 2009-2011 05.11.2009
338 ICZM-Oder Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Oder Estuary Region 2004-2010 06.01.2010
339 BONUS-AMBER Assessment and Modelling of Baltic Ecosystem Response 2009-2011 02.03.2010
340 Zukunft Küste – Coastal Futures 2004-2010 02.03.2010
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